...with Hawaii's legendary entertainer and broadcaster Kimo Kaho'ano!
The KZOO Aloha Friday Show airs live every Friday between 7am and 10am from various locations in Honolulu, with the 1st Friday of each month originating from the Royal Hawaiian Center in Waikiki. Pick a yummy breakfast from the Center's array of vendors and join us at Pa'ina Lanai on the 2nd level of Bldg. B for this fun English-Japanese broadcast...parking is validated!
Joining Kimo are KZOO personalities Hiroe Ogura at the live microphone, and Kaoru Ekimoto handling news, weather, traffic and more from the KZOO Studios. Kimo and company will celebrate Hawaii's music, catch you up on local news, weather and traffic, and report on world news and sports.
Tune in each Friday to hear us live on KZOO AM1210, Spectrum Ch. 888, or listen to our live streaming on kzoohawaii.com. Portions of the show will also air on KZOO's partner stations throughout Japan.
For sponsorship, interviews or any questions/comments, please email ikaikacomm@gmail-dot-com or kzoorobyn@gmail-dot-com.
【News】ハワイ ”ホノルル市”と東京”江戸川区”姉妹都市に!
花園直道のOliOli Oh!花
【Info】New Year Eve
大晦日〜特別番組「KZOO Remote Bounenkai」リスナー参加サイトはこちら
ハワイ!”(People who Love Hawaii)-杏里(ANRI)さん
COVID-19 20200410 Tim Sakahara,State DOT
COVID-19 20200410 Jane Sawyer,SBA Hawai‘i
COVID-19 20200410 Lt.Governor Josh Green