

Oahu residents can soon submit appeals, comments on updated flood maps


今週から、オアフ島の住民は、更新された洪水保険料率マップ Flood Insurance Rate MapsFIRM)に対するフィードバックを提出する機会が与えられます。 







異議申し立てには、暫定 FIRM に示された提案された新しい洪水危険情報または修正された洪水危険情報が


道路の位置と名前、地名、またはその他の基本地図機能などの項目の変更は、FEMA へのコメントとして提出できます。


Starting this week, residents on Oahu will have an opportunity to submit feedback on updated Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), including appeals to their property’s flood risk designation.

The 90-day appeal period for Oahu runs from March 13 through June 10.

One of the most significant changes with the preliminary FIRMs is that some properties may now be classified within high-risk zones, known as Special Flood Hazard Areas, for the first time.

Property owners in these zones who have a federally backed loan or mortgage will be required to purchase flood insurance when the maps are finalized.

Those who object to the addition or modification of base flood elevations, special flood hazard area boundaries, zone designations, or regulatory floodway boundaries depicted on the preliminary FIRMs are encouraged to submit an appeal to FEMA.

An appeal must be accompanied by data and documentation indicating how the proposed new or modified flood hazard information shown on the preliminary FIRMs is scientifically or technically incorrect.

Changes to items such as road locations and names, place names, or other base map features can be submitted as comments to FEMA.

Appeals and comments must be submitted in writing via email or traditional mail during the City’s formal appeal period, along with the required supporting data and/or documentation.