


在ホノルル総領事館と米ハワイ方面海軍との共催 により真珠湾攻撃戦没者追悼式典が行われました。




真珠湾攻撃か ら80周年を迎える本年の式典には、



新型コロナウイルスの 影響により、日本からの参列者はありませんでした。



続いて米 太平洋艦隊音楽隊による日米両国国歌が演奏されました。

続いて、青木豊 在ホノルル日本国総領事、

ティモシー・コット 米ハワイ方面海軍司令官のスピーチ、

エリ ッサ・ラインズ 真珠湾航空博物館長の基調講演がありました。


そして、真珠湾攻撃からの80年間を振 り返り、




地域と世界の平和と繁栄に貢献してい ると述べ、





「ここ真珠湾で亡くなられた方々のため、在ホノルル日本国総領事として 謹んで心からの哀悼の意を表します。」

「今、私は、これまで以上に、「和解の力」の存在、そして、その多大な 影響力を確信しています。」


世界中で記 憶されることを祈りたいと思います。私たちが団結してより良い未来を希求 するとき、和解と友情は無限の力を秘めています。」


愛する祖国を守るため、家族の幸せを願いながら、勇敢に戦場に赴き、 そして斃(たお)れた皆様。

今、御霊(みたま)の御前(おんまえ)にあって、御霊安かれと、心よ り、お祈り申し上げます。



If you will allow me, I would like to take this moment to speak directly to the souls of the fallen of Pearl Harbor,

in both Japanese and English, about what I had just expressed in my remarks…

To the souls of the fallen…

To protect the country you love…while holding close your hopes of happiness for your families, you bravely treaded the battlefields, took to the seas and to the skies…and made the ultimate sacrifice…

I humbly offer my heartfelt prayers for your repose.

Today, the United States and Japan are able to stand together, as members of the free world, and work shoulder-to-shoulder as powerful allies, to strengthen the security of the Indo-Pacific region and beyond…

We will never forget that the foundation of the peace and prosperity our two nations enjoy today was built upon your selfless sacrifices…

and I would like to offer my heartfelt respect and gratitude to all of you, on this occasion…



Rear Adm. Timothy Kott
Commander, Navy Region Hawaii and Naval Surface Force Middle Pacific

TODAY is the culmination of a series of commemorations that gives us the opportunity

to contemplate what happened here on Oahu eight decades ago.


More importantly, these events allow us to remember and honor all those who were lost in the Second World War.

As we gather here at this special place, today is also a day to reflect…

  •   To consider how much the world has changed over the past 80 years…
  •   To embrace the bonds of cooperation and friendship forged between our nations… and
  •   To recognize the peace, stability, and prosperity we are pledged to defend, and that pledge is rooted in the base of our countries’ common values: thinking of others—omoiyari (to notice and think of others); and doing your best, not giving up—ganbaru (effort) andgaman (enduring).Since the end of the far-reaching conflict that gripped our world in 1945, the vastness of the Pacific Ocean seems to have grown smaller. New threats to peace and stability have emerged. Fortunately, new connections have also emerged of former adversaries. Our nations’ interests are intertwined and the United States and Japan are closer than ever before.

Indeed, the alliance between the U.S. and Japan is a cornerstone of peace, prosperity, and security in the region – and this makes it a crucial alliance in the world for the 21st century. By virtue of our demonstrated combined strength and commitment to each other, we show our enduring support of a free and open Indo-Pacific.

It has become a common sight here to see ships of the Kaijo Jieitai class– Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, visit Pearl Harbor. Over the past few months, three vessels have enjoyed the hospitality of the islands while our forces have carried out mutually beneficial training.

Even in 2020, during the height of the global pandemic, ships of the J-M-S-D-F participated in the biannual Rim of the Pacific exercise. RIMPAC, brings together the navies of many nations to Hawaiian waters for combined maritime operations. Plans are underway for RIMPAC to return in 2022…and I’m sure that crews of Japanese ships will look forward to being able to enjoy the in-port activities that have traditionally been one of the highlights.

RIMPAC is a vivid example of the friendship and cooperation that exists between our two nations. It is an exercise that supports the strong and visible military presence among all of our partners and allies; and it is vital to promoting peace and stability while deterring potential conflict. But it goes beyond a major training exercise: the U.S. Navy and J-M-S-D-F work side-by-side, in disaster relief and humanitarian missions; to combat piracy; assist vessels in distress; and we provide maritime security in the Western Pacific.

So today, we honor the sacrifice of those who were touched by the tragedy of war,

Today, we embrace the evolution of a partnership of peace between Japan and the United States that is a cornerstone of global security,

Today, we continue our mutual commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific.

Today, we stand ready. Together. Resolute. Determined.

Thank you for attending today – and remembering the sacrifice of those who purchased today’s peace and prosperity. And thank you for your determination to preserve it as our committed partners.

Thank you very much. Mahalo Nui Loa.
Domo Arigato Gozaimasu.